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Properties of Performance: What Has Set Real Estate Fund 'Winners' Apart?
With an eye on recent difficulties in real estate portfolios, we ask: what has separated high-performing real estate managers from their weaker counterparts? And should investors consider
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Revisiting the Case for Listed Real Assets
Four years ago, Listed Real Assets (LRA) boasted some of the strongest long-term risk-adjusted returns of any asset class. However, just as LRA was gaining industry recognition as a defined
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Open-end Infrastructure Withstands Investor Cooldown
The year 2023 brought a slowdown in fundraising across private infrastructure funds – and private markets more broadly.
Natural Capital Investing
Strong market fundamentals and climate impact potential have driven a surge in institutional investor demand for ‘natural capital’ such as timberland, agriculture and ‘nature-based solutions.’
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Shariah-compliant Private Market Investing
The number of Shariah-compliant private market solutions has boomed in recent years, supporting investors that seek to improve risk diversification and reduce regional concentration. This brief
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DNA of a Manager Search: Impact Real Estate
The ‘DNA of a Manager Search’ series seeks to provide investors with practical insight on implementation through the lens of real-life examples. Here, a UK LGPS fund carves a new ‘impact’
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Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - August 2022
bfinance’s quarterly report in August 2022: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major
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Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - May 2022
bfinance’s quarterly report in May 2022: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major
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How AP1 is Driving Innovation in Manager Selection
When it comes to selecting and working with external asset managers, larger asset owners have a dual responsibility—says Majdi Chammas of Första AP-Fonden (AP1), one of Sweden’s four pension
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Snap Poll: What are investors thinking now?
Institutional investors around the globe shared how they are responding to pressing geopolitical and macroeconomic developments. With 418 investors from 39 countries taking place at the end of
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Will Your Infrastructure Investments Withstand Inflation? The 700 Billion Dollar Question
Although infrastructure is renowned as an inflation-sensitive asset class, the reality varies greatly depending on the strategy type and asset-level specifics. Not all ‘inflation-linkage’ is
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Navigating Opportunities in Maritime Leasing
Since the pandemic began, developments in the shipping sector have reverberated across the global economic landscape. Looking ahead, regulatory requirements around carbon emissions will drive
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Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - February 2022
bfinance’s quarterly report in February 2022: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major
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Illiquid Investments for Impact: Five Key Takeaways
With a clear trend towards impact-oriented investment activity among bfinance’s global client base, the bfinance research team recently held an investor training seminar focusing on illiquid
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New Perspectives on Asian Private Markets
The latest edition in bfinance’s biennial Investment Management Fees series. New analysis highlights areas where investors may be able to benefit from pricing trends, with ESG/Impact at the
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Re-evaluating the Case for Listed Infrastructure
As the global economy emerges from the shadow of COVID-19, demand for infrastructure has surged among bfinance clients.
Reaching for Returns in Real Estate Debt
Amid the seemingly never-ending ‘hunt for yield’, high return real estate debt strategies are attracting investors’ attention.
Renewable Energy Infrastructure: Lessons from Manager Selection
The renewable energy infrastructure landscape is evolving rapidly, as are asset managers’ strategies. This paper illustrates key developments, including case studies of recent manager
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Digging into Diversity Part 1: Infrastructure Managers
With diversity becoming an increasingly visible priority for investors, how do asset managers measure up? In this article we take a closer look at infrastructure managers, where recent searches
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Cashflow-generating Alternatives Change the Game at Korea’s POBA
Pension fund CIOs often enter their roles wanting to be agents of change, bringing new strategies and new perspectives to their institutions.
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