Infrastructure, as an asset class, is now grappling with something of an identity crisis. Does it offer the same promise that underpinned demand a decade ago?
Lire la suite : The Changing Face of Infrastructure Investment
How can pension fund trustees provide effective governance on the subject of cost? Ensuring value for money is central to fulfilling fiduciary duty.
Foresters Friendly has been drawing the attention of the insurance investment industry in 2019, with accolades for its new approach featuring a high-quality multi-asset solution complemented by new forays into private markets.
Lire la suite : Small Insurer Boosts Sophistication, Adds Alternatives
In 2019, RPMI Railpen insourced the majority of factor investing strategies in its equity management programme. It is the latest milestone in a five-year journey towards understanding value for money and bringing down costs.
“Paying alpha fees for beta performance” has become an investor bugbear. This has created a need to differentiate more carefully between outperformance derived from established risk factors and outperformance based on idiosyncratic risk exposures.
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