Dr Toby Goodworth
Gedelegeerd Bestuurder, Hoofd van Liquid Markets
Toby Goodworth is Hoofd Liquid Markets bij bfinance, en lid van het Senior Management Team van de onderneming. Voorheen was Toby Head of Risk Management bij Key Asset Management, een van Europa's oudste fund of hedge funds, waar hij de risicomodellen op maat van de onderneming ontwierp en beheerde. Daarvoor was hij risicoanalist en richtte hij zich op kwantitatieve wereldwijde aandelenstrategieën. Toby behaalde een Ph.D in natuurkunde aan het University College London en een First Class honours graad in natuurkunde, eveneens aan de UCL.
More insights from the team:
Global Asset Owner Survey: Risk and Resilience
A secular macroeconomic transition has created an unenviable series of choices—and potential traps— for pension funds, insurers, endowments, foundations, family offices and other ‘asset owners’...
Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - November 2024
bfinance’s quarterly report in November 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major...
Forget Hedge Fund Strategy Labels – Here Are Three Groups that Matter
Conventional hedge fund classifications, as taught by bodies such as the CFA Institute and CAIA, are based on asset managers’ investment techniques, processes and instruments: equity hedge,...
Energy Transition and the Commodity Investment Conundrum
‘Energy transition’ tailwinds should, it is often argued, boost the prices of particular commodities in the years ahead.
Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - August 2024
bfinance’s quarterly report in August 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major...
Hedge Funds and Tail Protection: Sector in Brief
A growing roster of hedge funds now offer tail protection—positive performance in down markets—but with an all-weather profile to avoid losses during benign periods. This type of Long Volatility...
Equity Market Neutral: Sector in Brief
Equity Market Neutral (EMN), valued at around US$50 billion, is a niche and distinct fragment of the broader Equity Long/Short family, currently estimated to be worth US$1.1 trillion. This pure...
Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - May 2024
bfinance’s quarterly report in May 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major asset...