Following an extended period of ‘low-flation’, many institutional investors entered 2021 with negligible exposure to so-called ‘inflation protection’ strategies such as inflation-linked bonds and commodities. A year later, with inflation climbing above 5% in a number of developed economies, we take a closer look at commodity and CTA performance.
Read more: Commodities and CTAs Draw Focus as Inflation Spikes
Since the pandemic began, developments in the shipping sector have reverberated across the global economic landscape. Looking ahead, regulatory requirements around carbon emissions will drive transformative change. Investors are cautious—but they are also sensing opportunity; maritime leasing is answering asset owners’ appetite for alternative finance strategies that provide diversification, income and even environmental impact.
As investor allocations to illiquid strategies have boomed, the question of what to do with the capital that is committed to and returned from those strategies has become increasingly complex.
With a clear trend towards impact-oriented investment activity among bfinance’s global client base, the bfinance research team recently held an investor training seminar focusing on illiquid strategies: Impact Investing in Private Markets.
Read more: Illiquid Investments for Impact: Five Key Takeaways
The profoundly altered work environment ushered in by COVID-19 has created new avenues for cyber-attacks—including collaboration tools, videoconferencing solutions, devices and cloud-based applications. Recent Operational Due Diligence (ODD) assessments show asset managers falling short on managing the risks.
Read more: Are Your Asset Managers Equipped to Face Today’s Cyber Threats?
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