Amid the seemingly never-ending ‘hunt for yield’, high return real estate debt strategies are attracting investors’ attention.
Hedge fund managers have long defied the asset management industry’s drive toward greater consideration of ESG-related investment factors, but investors’ shifting priorities are sparking change.
Nordic and Dutch investors are shifting the ESG agenda decisively towards ‘impact’ – whether that takes the form of measuring non-financial portfolio outcomes ex post or targeting social and environmental objectives ex ante.
Although the Low Volatility factor has delivered disappointing results during the Covid-19 era – and active low-volatility equity strategies produced extremely mixed performance outcomes as a result – some managers differentiated themselves through portfolio construction, sector positioning and the level of volatility reduction being targeted.
With diversity becoming an increasingly visible priority for investors, how do asset managers measure up? In this article we take a closer look at infrastructure managers, where recent searches highlight key diversity indicators and important nuances to watch out for.
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