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Designing a Corporate Private Equity Portfolio
A Belgian corporate was seeking to create a private equity investment unit, making productive use of their strong cash position and bringing potential strategic benefits to the firm.
Operational Due Diligence, US Equity
The investor, a Dutch corporate pension scheme, was seeking outside support to review the operating environments of four finalist managers for two US equity mandates. The client had historically performed site visits as part of its
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Portfolio Solutions – Strategic Asset Allocation
This client, a Belgian pension fund, sought bfinance’s help in reviewing the appropriateness of its current strategic asset allocation (SAA) relative to its investment objectives.
Portfolio Solutions – Fee Review (Competitive assessment and fee negotiation)
This client, a Dutch private pension scheme, asked bfinance to partner with its in-house investment team to assess the fees paid to its external asset managers and negotiate lower rates.
ESG Passive Equity
The client, a Dutch private pension fund, was reorganizing and consolidating its equity allocation, moving from a mix of active and enhanced index exposures to a fully passive equity portfolio. The management team was making this shift
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European Equity, ESG Focus
A Pension Fund in the Benelux region sought a pan-European equity manager for a EUR 55 million mandate that spanned both EU and non-EU equity markets. ESG was the driving force behind this search: the manager being replaced had been
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Mid-Market Buyout Private Equity
A Swiss public pension plan was looking to invest in a mid-market buyout manager. Preferences: >EUR500m fund size, Fund IV onwards. Returns objectives: 10% - 15% net IRR. They were ideally looking for exposure to three continents (US,
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European Real Estate
The investor mandated bfinance to search for an alternative credit strategy with a view to investing c. AUD 50 million through a pooled fund. A typical return expectation for this type of strategy is cash + 4-6%.
This Dutch institutional investor sought to allocate approximately EUR 110m to an enhanced passive commodities strategy targeting a c. 1.5% p.a. outperformance of the BCOM commodities index with a tracking error of not more than 5%
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High Yield Debt
A Dutch pension fund was entering US high yield debt, reducing its European HY exposure, and sought an appropriate pooled fund for a first EUR 15 million investment. They wished to avoid short-duration strategies and minimise
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Currency Overlay
A Belgian pension plan was seeking an active currency overlay, aiming to passively hedge a diversified portfolio whilst adding c.1% p.a. in excess return. There was also a secondary objective of minimising cash flow rolls.