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Private Markets and the Asset Allocation Imperative
The question of how to integrate private market investments into strategic asset allocation models represents one of the most significant and sensitive issues that allocators face today. This
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Time to Press for Better Fees in Private Markets?
A new survey of more than 300 investors (Global Asset Owner Survey, November 2024) indicates that more than 40% believe ‘like-for-like’ fees for Private Equity managers have decreased in the past
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Investors Should Re-evaluate Fees in the ‘Turbulent Twenties’
In a new macroeconomic environment, cost management requires fresh attention from investors. Inflation and higher-for-longer rates have created upward pressure on expenses in a variety of areas,
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Investor Spotlight: AIMCo CIO Goes for ‘Game-changing’ Business Transformation
A major shift is underway at Alberta Investment Management Corporation. The provincially-owned investment manager has commenced a comprehensive overhaul of systems that will support
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Investment Management Fees: Fairness Revisited
Amid macroeconomic shifts and changes in the investment industry, fees and alignment of interest require fresh attention. This Investment Management Fees report considers the latest fee data and
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Investor Spotlight: MPS Foundation Seeks Stable Income While Delivering Social Objectives
An inflationary climate has created new challenges for foundations around the globe: with underlying projects seeking larger disbursements to cover their increased costs, there is a need for
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As Operational Risks Evolve, Investors Must Scrutinise Service Providers
Pension regulators around the globe are sending clear messages that investors must strengthen their operational frameworks and that trustees can be held accountable if they do not.
Investor Spotlight: New London CIV CIO Champions Client-centred Thinking
Last month brought the announcement of a new Chief Investment Officer for London CIV – one of the eight asset pooling companies for the UK’s Local Government Pension Scheme, and the one with by
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Investor Spotlight: Blue Sky Pioneers Integrated Portfolio Management
The Dutch pension industry is undergoing seismic shifts. Long-anticipated reforms enacted in July 2023 ushered in a Defined Contribution system that is set to be unique among global counterparts.
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Endowment & Foundation Investment Survey
In October 2023, 61 senior endowment, foundation and charity/nonprofit investors across 16 countries contributed data and insights for this global study. This community has long been recognised
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Investor Spotlight: The Evolution of Italy’s Pension Landscape
More than two decades have passed since the arrival of complementary pension provision in Italy, which brought with it a massive regulatory overhaul. bfinance spoke with Salvatore Casabona to
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Time for Charities to Upgrade Investment Approach, Clarify ESG
Thanks to recent guidance from the Charity Commission for England and Wales, UK charities became the latest cohort of institutional investors to receive official endorsement for considering ESG
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Investor Spotlight: TfL Pension Reaps Rewards from Liquid Alternatives
With around 15% of the portfolio in ‘liquid alternatives’ such as hedge funds and a full 45% in ‘alternative investments,’ the £14 billion (US$17 billion) TfL Pension Fund has made
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Investor Spotlight: Social Impact in Focus for Italian Bank Foundations
Italy's ecosystem of banking-originated Foundations is unique in the financial world. Created as part of a major banking system reform in 1990, these entities—which became the shareholders of
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Outsourced CIO (OCIO) - Sector in Brief
The ‘Outsourced Chief Investment Officer’ (or ‘OCIO’) investment model is on the rise. Market volatility, increased portfolio complexity and growing regulatory burdens are encouraging the trend
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Transaction Cost Analysis: Has Transparency Really Improved?
Transaction cost analysis (TCA) awareness is on the rise, with equity and bond investors increasingly recognising trading as a key area of leakage.
Investor Spotlight: Sweden’s AP7 Pushes Forward on Biodiversity
Martha Brindle, Director, Public Markets at bfinance sat down with Flora Gaber, Head of ESG Analysis at AP7, part of the Swedish Public Pension agency which manages around $80 billion, to discuss
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Asset Owner Survey: Investors’ Costs and Fees
Investors are grappling with cost management challenges amid persistent inflation, heightened ESG requirements and regulatory burdens. To find out more, bfinance surveyed nearly 200 asset owners
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The biodiversity challenge: How can investors make a difference?
On 20th June 2023, investors gathered in London for a roundtable on the theme of biodiversity. Recent years have seen sustainability and climate change placed atop the priority list for many
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Iceland’s SL Pension Pursues Internationalisation and Illiquidity
Less than a decade after the removal of capital controls that banned pension funds from investing assets overseas, Iceland is now achieving international recognition for the strength and health
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