What is OCIO? How does OCIO compare to three other types of investment outsourcing? What are key OCIO characteristics? Are OCIOs sufficiently independent?
Who uses OCIO? From US foundations and charities to large European pension schemes, the OCIO model is attracting a diverse and expanding client base.
Implementation considerations: Mapping the OCIO universe, from large consultants and asset managers to specialist OCIO providers. How to choose the right OCIO partner – key features to watch out for.

OCIO provider AuM is expected to surge from US$2.4 trillion at the end of 2021 to US$3 trillion by 2026 according to Cerulli Associates. Moreover, having historically been favoured by small and medium-sized organisations with very limited internal resources, the model is now attracting bigger investors, including some headline-grabbing moves by large UK DB pension schemes.
Meanwhile, OCIO solutions are themselves evolving. Providers continue to enter the space—the logical consequence of the improved ‘solutions’ capabilities of many asset managers and the movement of several investment consultants towards (typically more lucrative) asset management services. Key trends at product level include greater flexibility, more customisation and improved diversification.
This concise report is designed to provide an investor-oriented overview of the whole-of-portfolio OCIO construct, the current market and the highly diverse universe of providers.
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