Dr Peter Hobbs
Managing Director, Leiter der Abteilung Immobilien
Peter Hobbs ist Managing Director von Private Markets und Mitglied des Senior Management Teams. Er und seine Mitarbeiter decken die Anlageklassen Immobilien, Infrastruktur, Private Equity und Private Debt ab und bieten eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen wie Portfoliogestaltung, Managerauswahl und Due Diligence an. Peter verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrungen als Investor und im Bereich Research. Bevor er 2016 zu bfinance kam, war er Managing Director bei MSCI (Real Estate Research and Key Global Accounts) und dort für Portfolioanalysen, Benchmarking und Risikodienstleistungen zuständig. Davor war er bei IPD, RREEF (der Abteilung für alternatives Asset Management der Deutschen Bank AG) und Property & Portfolio Research tätig. Im Jahr 2015 wurde er bei den IPE Real Estate Global Awards für seinen herausragenden Beitrag zur Branche nominiert. Peter trägt einen Doktortitel und ist Mitglied der Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS).
Weitere Veröffentlichungen der Spezialisten:

Private Markets and the Asset Allocation Imperative
The question of how to integrate private market investments into strategic asset allocation models represents one of the most significant and sensitive issues that allocators face today. This report...

Navigating Potential Pitfalls in ‘Semi-liquid’ Private Equity
Liquidity-friendly vehicles for illiquid asset classes are on the rise. In order to avoid potential pitfalls, however, it is crucial to interrogate asset managers’ approaches. As part of our...

Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - February 2025
bfinance’s quarterly report in February 2025: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major...

Impact Private Debt: DNA of a Manager Search
The ‘Impact Private Debt’ sector has undergone a significant phase of expansion during the past two years. This report presents an overview of currently available strategies, while an illustrative...

Four Family Office Trends to Watch in 2025
‘Energy transition’ tailwinds should, it is often argued, boost the prices of particular commodities in the years ahead.

Time to Press for Better Fees in Private Markets?
A new survey of more than 300 investors (Global Asset Owner Survey, November 2024) indicates that more than 40% believe ‘like-for-like’ fees for Private Equity managers have decreased in the past...

Global Asset Owner Survey: Risk and Resilience
A secular macroeconomic transition has created an unenviable series of choices—and potential traps— for pension funds, insurers, endowments, foundations, family offices and other ‘asset owners’...

Diagnosis: Opportunity? Direct Lending in Healthcare
Private debt investors are eyeing apparently superior returns in healthcare lending, with funds’ net IRR targets suggesting a premium of more than 300bps versus conventional direct lending...