• Renewable Energy Infrastructure

    The investor, a UK public pension fund, aimed to identify renewable energy-focused infrastructure funds and invest $80-100 million. Target return: 8-12%, including cash yield.

  • Smart Beta

    This German investor sought to invest EUR 100m starting volume with a target volume of EUR 250m in a multi-factor smart beta strategy.

  • High Yield Debt

    A Dutch pension fund was entering US high yield debt, reducing its European HY exposure, and sought an appropriate pooled fund for a first EUR 15 million investment. They wished to avoid short-duration strategies and minimise

  • Currency Overlay

    A Belgian pension plan was seeking an active currency overlay, aiming to passively hedge a diversified portfolio whilst adding c.1% p.a. in excess return. There was also a secondary objective of minimising cash flow rolls.

  • Diversified Alternative Risk Premia

    A UK corporate pension plan sought a comprehensive review of the alternative risk premia manager landscape with a view to investing over £250m with 2 – 3 diversified Alternative Risk Premia (ARP) managers, in aggregate targeting a

  • Multi-Strategy Fund of Hedge Funds

    A UK foundation aimed to identify a core multi-manager hedge fund product, targeting cash plus 4-6% and diversification against traditional exposures in their portfolio.

  • European Private Debt

    In seeking to make their first ever allocation to private debt, this Italian pension plan was keen to cast a wide net in order to achieve returns of 5-8% net of fees.

  • Infrastructure debt

    A UK corporate pension plan was seeking to invest £200 million in infrastructure debt in the UK/Europe, using one or multiple managers. Both pooled funds and SMAs were considered, with an absolute return target of

  • Value-Add Infrastructure

    An investor sought exposure to value-add infrastructure equity in Global or North America, generating at least 10% IRR net of fees.

  • Infrastructure

    A Canadian foundation with existing exposure to the infrastructure sector sought an unlisted North American infrastructure fund to complement its current holdings.

  • Global Equity

    This Canadian corporate pension fund wanted to replace one of its ‘global ‘equity managers (ACWI ex Canada) and one of its ‘international’ equity managers (ACWI ex US), each of which was managing approximately USD 240 million.

  • Municipal Bonds

    This German institutional investor wished to invest USD 50 million in Municipal Bonds via a fund-of-one. We sought strategies featuring primarily Taxable munis (maximum 20% tax exempt), low exposure to high yield (maximum 5%) and

  • Hedge Funds Plus Alternative Risk Premia

    This Canadian corporate pension fund aimed to invest C$200m in a customised portfolio of hedge funds and alternative risk premia (ARP) exposures. The key aim was to reduce equity risk and provide liquid diversification to the rest of

  • Direct Lending

    A Canadian foundation with existing exposure to the infrastructure sector sought an unlisted North American infThis Canadian public pension plan was seeking to redeploy capital being returned from previous private debt investments

  • Risk exposures, diversification and absolute return

    The client engaged bfinance Risk Solutions to provide holistic portfolio risk reporting, following the selection of a group of alternative absolute return managers that were intended to improve portfolio diversification. The investor
