• European and Global Shariah Equity

    The asset owner appointed bfinance to re-tender the European and Global equity sleeves of a multi-manager, multi-regional fund as part of a prudent governance exercise.

  • Operational Due Diligence, Real Estate

    A prominent public sector pension fund sought support in conducting a thorough ODD assessment of an existing investment in a European Core Plus Real Estate strategy. The manager in question had extended the fund’s investment period on

  • Fund Fee Review

    The superannuation fund wanted to review the management fees they were paying for investment services considering the performance achieved, with the aim of securing better commercial terms. While the fund had been invested with many

  • Global ESG Equity

    The asset owner, a Nordic private pension plan, was seeking one global ESG equity manager to complement their existing global equity allocation. The investor was open to all management and investment styles. The investor required a

  • Operational Due Diligence, Venture Capital

    The internal investment team of a large UK insurance company was looking to make an allocation to a venture capital fund and required a detailed ODD review to support the Investment Committee in approving the investment. Robust

  • Portfolio & Manager Review

    A UK pension fund appointed bfinance to support them in the review and potential reconfiguration of its active global equity and multi-asset credit portfolios.

  • Listed Infra and REITs portfolio review

    A Swiss foundation engaged bfinance to assist its investment team with a strategic review of its global listed infrastructure and REITs portfolio. The foundation's current portfolio includes two managers for infrastructure and two for

  • Strategic Asset Allocation, Global

    A UK-based family office engaged bfinance to assist in defining a Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) tailored to the needs of multiple generations within the family.

  • CMA and SAA Support

    A Middle Eastern endowment engaged bfinance to assist in refining its Shariah-compliant Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) and broader investment strategy.

  • Operational Due Diligence, Multi-Asset Credit

    A reinsurer was looking to increase its allocation to multi-asset credit and took the opportunity to review (and potentially replace) its incumbent manager.

  • Operational Due Diligence, Real Estate

    A large UK corporate pension scheme appointed bfinance to conduct a deep dive ODD assessment of one of its long-standing asset manager relationships due to escalating concerns, including negative press headlines regarding that

  • Global Impact Equity

    The investor was looking to upgrade their sustainable ESG offering to a stronger impact proposition which could demonstrate positive impact contributions across multiple sustainable development goals, measurable additionality, strong

  • Global Shariah Equity

    The client, a Middle Eastern insurance company, was seeking Shariah-compliant active global equity solutions, to be be managed in a segregated account structure (‘Discretionary Portfolio Management’ account).

  • European Equity

    The client, a prominent Italian private pension investor, was seeking at least one pan-European equity manager to complement their existing European equity allocation.

  • Policy and Strategic Asset Allocation support

    The client, a Middle-Eastern financial institution, sought support for reviewing and creating its Shariah-compliant Investment Policy Statement (‘IPS’), Strategic Asset Allocation and risk management framework.

  • Equity Portfolio Design

    The investor, a Canadian pension plan, engaged bfinance to reassess the design of their existing equity portfolio, with the aim to suggest fresh approaches that would be diversified across risk factors and geographies and provide a

  • Strategic Asset Allocation

    In early 2023, an Italian family office engaged with bfinance to create a Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) for its new asset portfolio.

  • Strategic Investment Review

    A UK-based Charity was seeking support for evaluating their current investment approach and strategic asset allocation.

  • Strategic review of FX hedging policy

    A Northern-European endowment organisation engaged with bfinance to review its strategic approach for foreign currency hedging as part of its governance procedures.

  • Currency Overlay

    This Canadian investor was seeking to manage their non-CAD exposures through a dynamic (non-passive) currency overlay, with an emphasis on risk management as opposed to 'currency alpha'.