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- Strategic portfolio design
Strategic Asset Allocation, Global
A UK-based family office engaged bfinance to assist in defining a Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) tailored to the needs of multiple generations within the family.
CMA and SAA Support
A Middle Eastern endowment engaged bfinance to assist in refining its Shariah-compliant Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) and broader investment strategy.
Operational Due Diligence, Multi-Asset Credit
A reinsurer was looking to increase its allocation to multi-asset credit and took the opportunity to review (and potentially replace) its incumbent manager.
Strategic Asset Allocation
In early 2023, an Italian family office engaged with bfinance to create a Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA) for its new asset portfolio.
Strategic Investment Review
A UK-based Charity was seeking support for evaluating their current investment approach and strategic asset allocation.
Market-Independent Absolute Return
This investor sought market-independent strategies which exhibit very limited equity / credit beta (structurally and empirically)—ideally less than 0.1 in normal and stressed equity markets. This investor sought market-independent
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Multi-Asset Absolute Return and Risk Parity
An Asian institutional investor was seeking to invest US$200 million in a segregated mandate which provided diversified exposure across a range of private markets strategies and assets, including: private equity (>30%), infrastructure
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Multi Asset Total Return
An Asian institutional investor was seeking to invest US$200-300 million in segregated fund-of-funds mandate that included exposure to both private equity (>80%) and value-add infrastructure (20%), with a target net return of 16-20% in
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Multi Asset Credit
A UK LGPS was seeking to invest up to £80 million (US$105 million) in a multi asset credit solution using one manager. Pooled funds were preferred with new launches considered, so long as they met a return target of cash plus 4%-5%
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Absolute Return, Liquid Alternatives
This Wealth Manager sought to identify multiple liquid alternative managers to broaden their existing roster of alternative strategies. These new allocations were expected to provide diversification against their existing managers
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