Properties of Performance: What Has Set Real Estate Fund 'Winners' Apart?
With an eye on recent difficulties in real estate portfolios, we ask: what has separated high-performing real estate managers...

‘Enhanced Indexation’ Gains Momentum as Investors Shift Gears
Asset owners are now grappling with fundamental tensions within equity portfolio design. The runaway performance of tech titans...

Time to Press for Better Fees in Private Markets?
A new survey of more than 300 investors (Global Asset Owner Survey, November 2024) indicates that more than 40% believe...

Global Asset Owner Survey: Risk and Resilience
A secular macroeconomic transition has created an unenviable series of choices—and potential traps— for pension funds, insurers,...

Diagnosis: Opportunity? Direct Lending in Healthcare
Private debt investors are eyeing apparently superior returns in healthcare lending, with funds’ net IRR targets suggesting a...

Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - November 2024
bfinance’s quarterly report in November 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite,...

Forget Hedge Fund Strategy Labels – Here Are Three Groups that Matter
Conventional hedge fund classifications, as taught by bodies such as the CFA Institute and CAIA, are based on asset managers’...

Seeking Diversity from Investment Managers
Diversity (or the lack of) has been a hot topic across the asset management industry for decades. However, a growing number of...

Energy Transition and the Commodity Investment Conundrum
‘Energy transition’ tailwinds should, it is often argued, boost the prices of particular commodities in the years ahead.

Investors Should Re-evaluate Fees in the ‘Turbulent Twenties’
In a new macroeconomic environment, cost management requires fresh attention from investors. Inflation and higher-for-longer...

Investor Spotlight: AIMCo CIO Goes for ‘Game-changing’ Business Transformation
A major shift is underway at Alberta Investment Management Corporation. The provincially-owned investment manager has commenced...

Global Sukuk: Sector in Brief
The Global Sukuk market has evolved significantly in recent years, as investors search for new and innovative routes to positive...

Fixed Income: Time to Re-evaluate Credit Exposures, Consider CLOs?
The 2022-2024 period has provided new tests for investors’ fixed income and alternative credit portfolios, thanks to the...

Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - August 2024
bfinance’s quarterly report in August 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite,...

Hedge Funds and Tail Protection: Sector in Brief
A growing roster of hedge funds now offer tail protection—positive performance in down markets—but with an all-weather profile...

Real Estate Dislocation Presents Opportunities, Risks
The property market correction of 2023-24 marks the fourth significant dislocation in this asset class since 1970. Each prior...

Equity Market Neutral: Sector in Brief
Equity Market Neutral (EMN), valued at around US$50 billion, is a niche and distinct fragment of the broader Equity Long/Short...

Investment Management Fees: Fairness Revisited
Amid macroeconomic shifts and changes in the investment industry, fees and alignment of interest require fresh attention. This...

GP Stakes Funds Seek US$30bn With Promise of Private Equity Plus Yield
GP Staking – a Private Equity strategy characterised by investments in alternative asset managers and an unusual...

Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - May 2024
bfinance’s quarterly report in May 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite,...

Top Investor Surveys Part Ways on Asset Allocation Expectations
Credible asset owner surveys can be a useful source of insight for both investors and the asset managers/advisers that serve...

Passive ESG Investing Needs Careful Attention Amid 'Backlash'
From the pages of the Financial Times and Reuters to the hallways of investment conferences, noise of an ‘ESG Backlash’ has...

Investor Spotlight: MPS Foundation Seeks Stable Income While Delivering Social Objectives
An inflationary climate has created new challenges for foundations around the globe: with underlying projects seeking larger...

Asset Manager Selectors: Three Themes to Watch in 2024
The 2023-4 period has brought new challenges for institutional investors, affecting both strategy and investment manager...

Money for Nothing? Hedge Funds Haven’t Budged on Hurdle Rates (Yet)
Although two years have now passed since the Federal Reserve started rapidly hiking interest rates, the likelihood that your...

Carbon Trading Strategies: Sector in Brief
This report provides a concise introduction to the investment characteristics of carbon compliance credits and the growing use...

Investment Grade Corporate Bonds: Understanding Manager Performance
Investor appetite for investment grade fixed income grew significantly last year but active managers are coming under scrutiny....

As Operational Risks Evolve, Investors Must Scrutinise Service Providers
Pension regulators around the globe are sending clear messages that investors must strengthen their operational frameworks and...

Revisiting the Case for Listed Real Assets
Four years ago, Listed Real Assets (LRA) boasted some of the strongest long-term risk-adjusted returns of any asset class....

Climate and Biodiversity in Equity Investing
The climate imperative is driving new practices across all asset classes. Equity portfolios are typically on the strategic front...

Investor Spotlight: New London CIV CIO Champions Client-centred Thinking
Last month brought the announcement of a new Chief Investment Officer for London CIV – one of the eight asset pooling companies...

Manager Intelligence and Market Trends - February 2024
bfinance’s quarterly report in February 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite,...

Open-end Infrastructure Withstands Investor Cooldown
The year 2023 brought a slowdown in fundraising across private infrastructure funds – and private markets more broadly.

Fixed Income with Impact? GSS+ Bonds and Beyond - Sector in Brief
Recent years have brought significant developments for the GSS+ (Green, Social, Sustainability et al) fixed income market. There...